Latest Episodes

Homeward Bound - STC2418
The journey to heaven - is it real? When will Jesus return? How will he arrive and what signs will accompany him? What will...

The Millennium - 1,000 Years of Peace - STC2417
Do you want to know more details about the sequence of resurrections and judgments spoken of in the Bible? Will the righteous dead and...

Without a Wedding Garment - STC2416
How does the parable of the wedding garment represent God's unfolding plan? What is the significance of the wedding garment? Why did the Jews...

Beyond the Grave - STC2415
What really happens to the soul after death according to the Bible? If the righteous do not go to heaven when they die, where...

The Spirit of Prophecy Gift - STC2414
This program traces God's communication with humanity for over 6,000 years. How did God speak to the prophets? What happened in 1844? Why was...

The Last Night On Planet Earth - STC2413
Was Noah really a prophet of God? Why did the experts reject his warnings? As rain fell and floodwaters rose, the scoffers realised with...