Blind vs Intelligent Faith - STC2401

Episode 1 February 25, 2024 00:55:40
Blind vs Intelligent Faith - STC2401
Spiritual Treasure Chest
Blind vs Intelligent Faith - STC2401

Feb 25 2024 | 00:55:40


Show Notes

What is the difference between blind faith and intelligent faith? Are there logical reasons to consider Divine creation as an explanation for the origins of life? What do Polonium radiohalos in granites, geological layers, time prophecies, and the Piltdown Man reveal about creation?

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Episode Transcript

Are you ready to embark on a thought-provoking journey of discovery? Curious to explore an alternative narrative that challenges the theory of evolution? What impact has the war in heaven had on our planet? And what are the implications for humanity? What can we learn from this epic battle that is unfolding between good and evil? Here is your opportunity to unlock a treasure trove of spiritual insights from the Bible that will answer these and many other pressing questions, illuminating the path to eternal life, which lies just a choice away. Here is Bill Gates presenting blind versus intelligent faith. Well, our first topic today is blind versus intelligent faith. Why am I sharing this sermon with you today? Because of a published report from the Australian Institute of Family Studies, recorded in the Daily Telegraph, which revealed that 3318 teenagers, of that number, 12% had thoughts of committing suicide and 6% had made at least one attempt. As I considered this terrible situation, I tried to figure out what were some of the reasons that would cause people to want to do that. The professional medical people tell us, if you look on the screen, you'll see depression, loneliness, fear, boredom, misery, longing, and feeling guilty. As I considered this list, I said to myself, there's another major reason missing here that I don't see any experts addressing, and that is the theory of evolution, which, in my opinion, is a major cause of depressing people to the point where they might consider suicide. For it leaves people with no hope beyond the grave. And when serious problems arise in life, it has people thinking, what is the point of living? The theory of evolution has never been able to answer the question, why was I born? Why am I here? And where am I going? But the other theory of origins of life, called instant divine creation, does answer those questions and gives people tremendous hope for the future and a great sense of self worth now. So today we're going to compare the two theories, evolution, instant divine creation, from both science and logic. For as Charles Darwin said in our next slide, a fair result can be obtained only by fully balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question. But sadly, that is not happening in the public schools and universities. How can people look at both theories when only evolution is taught in schools and universities as if it is a fact, when it is not a fact, and the other theory is not allowed to be taught as part of official education curriculums? This leads to serious doubts about a person's reason for living and affects their self worth when things go bad. Each theory requires faith. So we will start by quoting from the Scriptures and then move into science. And we have here a reference, Hebrews eleven, verse six. But without faith, it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. So what is faith? Well, according to the Oxford Dictionary, faith is a complete confidence or trust, a strong belief in a religion, a system of religious belief. Then how do we get faith? That's our next question. Well, according to Romans 1017, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Now, here is a warning. We will never develop a strong faith if we simply listen to the opinions of others. Instead, we can get a strong faith if we will do what is called topical Bible studies with someone who can teach the topics and learn directly from the word of God for ourselves. So now we have a question to consider. Is our faith a blind faith, or is it an intelligent faith? We need to define our terms. Blind faith is a belief that is not based on reason or evidence, whereas an intelligent faith is one that is supported by reason, evidence and the testimony of witnesses. So the first piece of evidence that I will share with you in order to demonstrate that the Christian faith is based on reason and evidence is both scientific and intelligent, but not well known. It comes from the scientific discoveries of a Dr. Robert Gentry and his son David. Here we have the fingerprints of creAtion. A revolutionary discovery has been found in the Earth's foundation rocks. The fingerprints of creation scientist Dr. Robert Gentry has discovered that granites contain beautiful microscopic coloration halos produced by the radioactive decay of primordial polonium. According to every basic principle of evolutionary theory, these halos shouldn't be there. In the evolutionist way of thinking, granites originated in a molten state, cooled, crystallized, and hardened over millions of years in the Earth. But if that's the case, primordial polonium's fleeting radioactivity could never have been captured in the form of a halo. It would have decayed away long before the rock solidified. Polonium. Radiohalos indicate that the Earth was formed instantly, thus providing the scientific evidence that the Earth had to be created by God. These decaying Radiohalos have been found in all of planet Earth's continental granites. And when he referred to the fleeting radioactive decaying process of polonium, it's important to notice that it takes only three minutes before it changes into another element, like lead. These halos have rocked the scientific world, and no scientist has been able to refute these discoveries. Some scientists have said it wasn't polonium, that it was radon that didn't stack up, as none of the scientific journals could publish that error because it was so wrong. But they did publish Dr. Gentry's findings. These halos destroy the whole time frame used by people who believe in macroevolution. This is because the granites must have been made before that three minute time frame expired. Otherwise the polonium halos would never have been captured in the granites. This explains why thousands of scientists are now abandoning macroevolution as a theory and accepting the biblical account of the origins of life. Now the Bible teaches that a supreme God created this world and the life on it. And after God made the world in six literal 24 hours days commencing on a Sunday, he signed off his masterpiece of creation by creating the 7th day Sabbath consisting of 24 hours of holy time. God had given us the other six secular days of the week to do what we wanted. But the 7th was God's day and he commanded us to use that day for congregational worship and thereby demonstrate our gratitude for God's blessings. It would be impossible to obey that commandment if the days of creation took millions of years to evolve. So what is the definition of science? Let's have a look at that, shall we? Science is meaning. Knowledge is the discovery of an unknown law or principle which is capable of being tested practically and demonstrated visibly in the presence of witnesses. Well then, what is the definition of a witness? The Oxford Dictionary says a witness is a person who sees an event take place. Now come two important questions. Were there any human witnesses to instant creation as recorded in the Holy Bible book called Genesis? And the answer is no, there were none. Were there any human witnesses to the other theory of origins of life called macroevolution? None. So at this stage it seems that both theories fail the scientific test. But now we will look at a profound series of events that prove beyond a shadow of doubt that God did make this world in seven literal 24 hours days, not over billions of years as we're being taught in schools and universities. God doesn't need billions of years to create anything. As our following slides reveal, Jesus claimed to be the supreme God of the universe and he proved that just over 2000 years ago. And he proved that he could create instantly when he fed 5000 men plus the women and the children. Every diner was a witness, thus meeting one of the specifications for making this acceptable as a scientific fact. He raised the dead instantly in the presence of witnesses. And you know, the raising of Lazarus, who had been dead for four days and therefore decomposition had set in, was so alarming to the Jewish leaders that they planned to kill Lazarus as well as Jesus. Jesus produced for his disciple the tribute money from a Fisher's mouth instantly and in the presence of witnesses. This tribute money was collected to pay the expenses of the temple. As Jesus was the king of kings and Lord of Lords, the tribute money was to be collected on his behalf and handed to God's appointed priests. Therefore, he might justly be exempted from paying it because he claimed to be God. Yet to save giving offense, he miraculously and instantly provided the piece of money to pay the tribute. That miraculous creative act was done in the presence of witnesses, and it showed that he was the Creator God, as he claimed to be. Yet as a Jewish man, he also showed himself to be a loyal Israeli citizen. Jesus gave sight to the blind instantly and in the presence of witnesses. Jesus healed the lepers instantly in the presence of witnesses. So there were thousands of witnesses to the wonderful and powerful and instant acts of creation and healing done by Jesus Christ. Therefore, if he could create instantly just 2000 years ago and in the presence of witnesses, this justifies his claim to have created this world in the seven days that Genesis says he did it in. As John one, one to three says, jesus was the Creator. And in my mind, there is no doubt about that. Some scientists will say, if we cannot reproduce what he did, it cannot be scientific. But do we discount the testimony of the witnesses simply because the creature cannot do what the Creator can do? No, we don't discount their testimony, but instead, we value it and accept it. Let us look now at another piece of evidence which prophecies that are linked to a specific period of time. This is the diagram of a time prophecy given by God around 600 BC and found in the Book of Daniel. Daniel 814 for the vision. And Daniel nine, verses 20 to 27 for the interpretation. The long vision spans 2300 years, but we will only cover the first 490 years. And it shows five separate events that would happen over the next few centuries, starting in 457 BC and ending in 34 AD. And each of the five parts were fulfilled exactly on time. Notice the time gap now between the events between the start and the first event, 49 years. Between that position there and the third pillar, 434 years. Between the third and fourth pillar, three and a half years. And between the fourth pillar and the fifth pillar, three and a half. And we add those periods up and they come to 490 years. And what were the events prophesied to happen? Well, Arrow one gives the start date for the prophecy to begin. And it's recorded in Ezra, chapter six, verse 42, 49 years later. Arrow number two gives the end date for the rebuilding of the previously destroyed city of Jerusalem and the surrounding walls. It was completed on time, just as prophesied. Now, Arrow number 3434, years after restoring Jerusalem, has the arrival of the Messiah. He came exactly on time. And for those mathematicians in the world, don't forget to allow one year, because there was no year naught. Three and a half years later, Arrow number four correctly prophesied the very year of the death of the Messiah. And finally, the last three and a half years later. That was the stoning of Stephen. And it meant that because the literal nation of Israel had abandoned Jesus as the Messiah, they walked away from him. They stoned Stephen, then God had to walk away from the literal nation of Israel. God had given them an extra three and a half years to accept Jesus. To have a prophecy given around 600 BC and having five mathematical checkpoints occur exactly as specified, has turned many an agnostic into believing that there has to be A God. Now, let us look at the other theory of the origins of life. It is called macroevolution. Does science confirm the origins of life through macroevolution? From visible scientific evidence that is supported by the testimony of witNesses. Darwin claimed that mankind evolved from apes over long periods of time. And many in the scientific community grabbed his theories with open arms, because now they could claim there was no God, and that meant they could set their own morality, and therefore, in their minds, they would now be free. In the world today, we have the theory of macroevolution, which claims that the world was made millions of years ago by chance and evolved from a liquid state to a solid state over that time. But we also have microevolution, and we need to understand the difference between the two. Macroevolution says that humans evolve from a different species, namely apes, as a result of new information appearing in the genetic code. Yet these scientists cannot answer a fundamental question. Where did that new information come from and how did it get into the DNA genetic code? They simply cannot show the evidence of where this information came from. Microevolution, on the other hand, says that different breeds can evolve within the same species using the existing information already within the genetic code. No extra information is needed. Using dogs as an example, Microevolution explains why we have corgi dogs, terrier dogs, Alsatian dogs, but they're all dogs. This means that God, through microevolution, allows for the different types of dogs. But he never set up macroevolution, whereby there could possibly be a natural crossover between the four different kinds of flesh mentioned in our next Bible reading one, Corinthians 15, verse 39, tells us all flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes and another of birds. The discovery of DNA and the testing of DNA in animals and humans shows that there are differences in the DNA structure. Therefore, there cannot be a natural crossover between the four different kinds of flesh that God created. Today, scientists are trying to mix animal and human DNA cells for increasing organ transplant material. But it is artificial engineering, not natural macroevolution. Thus this Bible verse is correct scientifically. But macroevolutionary scientists still say otherwise. They say that we descended from the apes. And if that was true, then I would like to introduce you to my supposed great, great ancestor. Now, if you think I've got a weight problem, what about my supposed ancestor? He's got a much bigger problem, hasn't he? But I can say, no, no, categorically no, he is not my supposed ancestor. For the Bible says that you and I were made in the image of God, not in the image of an ape. Now, I want you to see the major problems that exist for macroevolution. First of all, they have no witnesses. Secondly, carbon dating is unreliable past 3000 years. But the scientists tried to make out that they had found the missing link when they introduced pilt down Man. They introduced a fate because they had no transitional life fossils to support the idea that man evolved from apes. And so here we have the pilt down man. And if you notice carefully, it was discovered in about 2011, I think it was, that this was a fake. And you'll find that the pilt down man has got parts of a human skull, a lot of plaster fragments of a chimpanzee's jaw here, chimpanzee's teeth and plaster, a mixture of all three. But it was a hoax. But there's another massive problem that we talked about earlier, the polonium. Radiohalos, remember these only last for three minutes, and then they change into another element, like lead. This is the residue of the quick decaying process. And for it to be captured in the granites within three minutes means that they had to be instant creation of the granites by a supreme god. Now, geological layers separated by thin straight lines is another problem for macroevolutionists. Here we have crows Nest Mountain in Montana. It has layers of soil, sedimentary soil, and you'll see that it's laid out with straight lines separating the layers. I want you to notice these straight lines. Here it is here and down further down there and here this is to be expected if they were deposited by water action such as would have occurred when the waters were seeded after Noah's flood. And there can be no doubt that the flood occurred when you consider the ring of SeashellS around Mount Ararat at about 5000 meters. And in 1986 Mount St. Helens produced a bigger problem for macroevolutionists. This is Mount St. Helens before the eruption in 1986. And this is the same mountain after the eruption. Notice the huge loss of the mountainside caused by cataclysmic volcanic action. And now to the point, I'd like you to notice that because of that volcanic action we now have new canyons. These canyons were produced instantly. They were not there before the volcanic eruption and they were not formed by water over billions of years either. So naturally when it rains, water flows to the lowest levels through these new canyons. In regard to the Grand Canyon, macroevolutionists claim that the canyon was formed by billions of years of water slowly flowing and gouging out the Grand Canyon. But that theory is so wrong, as was proved by the sudden arrival of the canyons at St. Helens at the time of the eruption. Just look at the vast amount of horizontal straight lines throughout the Grand Canyon. Everywhere you'll see straight lines as soil has been deposited with the water receding from Noah's time. Now it didn't happen over millions of years as the macroevolutionists would have us believe. And this evidence matches the straight line layers we saw on Crows Nest Mountain in Montana and backed up by the new canyons appearing instantly at St. Helens. Photosynthesis also proves macroevolution to be wrong. So what is photosynthesis? Well, let's see what the Oxford Dictionary tells us. Photosynthesis is the putting together of organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water using sunlight energy absorbed by chlorophyll. Have you ever asked yourself why is it there's no trees or vegetation in the Arctic or the Antarctic? Your probable answer will be because it's too cold there. But there's a much better scientific answer than that. You see, the 24 hours cycle of darkness and light established by God in the beginning 6000 years ago allowed photosynthesis to work perfectly before the flood. This explains why when you drill down through the ice cap at the north and South Poles, you discover tons of vegetation below the ice caps. How did that vegetation get there? Well before the flood, the world had a temperate climate around the whole planet. Thus plants and trees would have covered the whole planet, including what we know today as the polar regions. But after the flood, the 24 hours cycle of darkness and light established by God in the beginning dramatically changed at the north and South Poles. Why did it change? Well, after the flood, the world tilted on its axis, and thereafter the polar regions have six months of darkness and six months of light over a twelve month period. So photosynthesis does not work when there is no sunlight for six months of the year. This is why there are now no trees or vegetation in these polar regions after the flood. Remember, macroevolutionists claim that the world was made billions of years ago and evolved from a molten or liquid state over that time. But do remember this, they have no witnesses at all. And photosynthesis could not operate in a world like that either. So remember the question we're answering today, who has the blind faith and who has the intelligent faith? Let us now look at the single cell. In school we were taught that the origins of life started when a bolt of lightning hit a single cell, and that is how life began. I was not bright enough to think back then as to where the lightning or the single cell came from. Theory was taught as a fact, and so we accepted it. But we now know that the single cell has a double helix within it. Just look at the design and symmetry. And there are two very important items in the single cell. There is DNA and there is RNA. DNA can be likened to the hard drive of your computer, whereas the RNA is the software that tells the DNA what to do. So who put the DNA and the RNA into the single cell? The answer, of course, is that a master designer called God did this. Let us now look at another piece of evidence that destroys MacroeVolution. It's called symbiotic relationships, and it simply means putting together two different species and they are totally dependent on each other for their survival. Therefore, they have to coexist at the same time from the beginning. And here is an example. But first of all, who likes vanilla flavored ice cream? I'm going to put my hand up because I sure love it. Did you know that the vanilla bean from which we get the vanilla flavoring completely destroys macroevolution? You see, the natural vanilla flavor would not even exist if macroevolution were true. How is this so? Well, the vanilla vine grows up a tree and eventually it produces an orchid. Now, in order to make the vanilla bean, the orchid must be pollinated. The problem is that it only blooms one morning per year, and if it isn't pollinated within 12 hours, it withers. And to make things more difficult, a hoodlike membrane covers the part of the vanilla orchid that produces the pollen. This makes the production of the vanilla bean very difficult, because with that membrane being there, how can pollination happen? Well, in 1836, Charles Morin traveled down to Mexico to figure out why they weren't able to produce vanilla beans in Europe. And he discovered a very special bee that appeared not to exist in Europe. It's a bee called the Mexican melapona bee. And this bee lands on the orchid, lifts up the little hood like membrane, collects the pollen and flies off to the next flower. This special bee is the only bee that knows how to lift the vanilla orchid's membrane and is the only bee that can therefore pollinate the orchids. And after some time, the orchids produced vanilla beans from where we get the natural vanilla flavor for the ice cream. They were designed by a loving god to work together, and as such clearly puts macroevolution in an extremely difficult position for both the orchid and the Mexican melapona bee had to exist together from the very beginning. Now we'll take a look at time and see some interesting facts here. Why do we have a yeaR? Because it takes a year for the world to travel around the sun. Why do we have 13 lunar months in a year? Because it takes the moon a lunar month to travel around planet Earth. Why do we have a day? Because it takes planet Earth a day to spin on its axis. These three events are all events of nature, and all scientists are in agreement on this. But ask a macroevolution of this next question and he is in all kinds of trouble. Why do we have a seven day week? This is not an event of nature. It's an arbitrary period of time that can only be explained by the Holy Bible as found in Genesis, chapters one and two. And it's the seven day week constitutes the 724 hours, days of time that God used to create the world, our solar system, and the 7th day Sabbath. It's not an event of nature and therefore constitutes a major problem for the atheistic scientists. Now, having shown so many different examples of why macroevolution cannot be correct, I ask this question. Why do people so obstinately stick to the theory of macroevolution when it has no witnesses and lacks physical scientific evidence? The answer in many cases is due to blind prejudice. I suffered from that myself for a few years, and I'm now going to share with you two examples of blind prejudice. What we have on the screen here is the city of Nelson and the top of the South island in New Zealand. I went there in 2010 to attend my brother Fred's funeral. And after the funeral we went back to his home and his stepson had had a bit too much to drink. Unfortunately, he is the professor of humanities in a university in New Zealand and he leans over and he says to me, I don't believe in Jesus Christ. So I said to him, well, you must have a problem because every time you write a letter and you put the year 2010 on your letter, what is the 2010 numbered after? I said it's after numbered after a man called Jesus Christ, a man you say you do not believe in. You could almost see the blood drain out of his face. Three months later there was an article that appeared in the New Zealand Herald saying we need to get rid of BCaD time. In fact, I noticed that Wikipedia articles are showing time as BCE before the common era, or Ace after the common era. Why do that? That's blind prejudice. When individuals and companies reject 2000 years of history, preferring to impose changes on society rather than accept that their disbelief flies in the face of the evidence. The second example of blind prejudice is the example of Dr. Edwin Hubble. He has had the space telescope named after him and he is one of the astronomers who discovered that the universe was expanding. But when he asked himself the question from what is it expanding? The conclusion was from a central point indicating order and design. But that was a horrible thought for him. And so he wrote a book which is entitled Observational Approach to Cosmology, published in 1937. So after discovering in 1929 that the universe was expanding, Edwin Hubble went into a denial phase in regard to its significance. And he had three quotes. The unwelcome supposition of a favored location must be avoided at all costs. Page 54 There must be no favored location in the universe, no center, no boundary. All must see the universe alike. And page 59, to escape the horror of a unique position. Such a thought, said to be intolerable. Why did he take such a strong position on this? Simply put, if the universe is expanding, then from what is it expanding? The answer was a central point indicating order and design. And of course he didn't want to accept that. Now just remember 2000 years ago, Jesus as God proved he could create instantly. Remember? Dr. Hubble didn't want to accept that. But there is another piece of evidence that demonstrates why people prefer to cling to theory of macroevolution. And it comes out in a book called what's so great about Christianity by Denise de Souza. The New York Times describes this book as a bestseller. Now, Denise D'Souza is no mug. He was a former analyst to the White House on the subject of domestic policy, and this book contains some fascinating reasons why atheism and macroevolution is so attractive to the believers in those theories. Let us note, for example, six prize statements that explain why macroevolution and atheism is defended so earnestly in today's society. Our first quote from his book Atheism provides a hiding place for those who do not want to acknowledge or repent of their sins. The second quote if you want to live a degenerate life, God is your mortal enemy. The third quote, Atheists have killed off God in order to win for himself the freedom to make his own morality. The fourth quote we need spiritual healing, but we do not want it. The fifth quote this is the perennial appeal of atheism. It gets rid of the stern fellow with a long beard and liberates us for the pleasures of sin and depravity. And the last quote, the atheist seeks to get rid of moral judgment by getting rid of the judge. So there you have it. They want to retain their current lifestyles and are prepared to deny the existence of God in order to maintain it. What a lousy deal. They prefer to follow a hedonistic and atheistic lifestyle and are prepared to abandon all hope of eternal life to maintain their current lifestyle over 70 OD years when if they'd made the right decisions, they could live forever and ever. And so they have no appreciation or desire for the fabulous future eternal life. The God is not to be trifled with, for he is the creator and sustainer of life. Therefore he has the right to determine the moral boundaries for successful and happy living. He is also outside of time, space and matter, for he existed before all of these. Notice what it says here. Let us also remember that God is not answerable to the scientist who believes in macroevolution, but that scientist is answerable to God. Coming back to Dr. Edwin Hubble, he, along with all who believe as he did, are on dangerous ground because the Bible says in Psalm 14 verse one, the fool has said in his heart There is no God. The Bible also says in Psalm 19, verse one, the Heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament reveals his handiwork. Through the courtesy of the Hubble Space Telescope, we will now look at some of God's beautiful creations in space and you might well ask why. Look. Well, if you are a member of God's family here on Earth, you will get to see these magnificent sights with your own eyes. When we travel with Jesus after his second coming, that's the whole point of Christ coming back. We don't go to heaven when we die. We go to heaven when Jesus comes back to get us. That's why we need a personal relationship with him now, for it's only his friends that he takes to heaven, and he is the only one who has the keys to the grave. So here we have the Milky Way. I want you to notice the Green dot. That green dot represents our solar system, our entire solar system in the Milky Way galaxy. So it's a pretty small part of the galaxy we belong to, isn't it? But let us travel now further afield. And here is a picture of the Karina Nebula, the cone Nebula, the Eskimo Nebula, and the Eagle Nebula. But this one's rather nice. The light Echo Nebula, also referred to as Starry Night. Can these beautiful and large nebulas just evolve by themselves? No, of course not. Now let us consider the timing of the arrival of theory of macroevolution. Did Darwin's theory of macroevolution catch God by surprise? Let us note the important dates relating to Darwin's work. Shall we? January 1842, he wrote to Dr. Lyle about his theories. January 1844, he wrote to a botanist by the name of J. D. Hooker about his theories. And in July 1844, he wrote a 230 page draft essay on his research. Three months later, something marvelous happens. God produces the beginnings of the 7th day Adventist Church as an official entity to counter the false teachings of Darwin, which we have been so readily, or which have been so readily grasped by a large number of scientists. And what was the message? Well, Revelation 14 seven tells us the message saying with a loud voice, fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters. Did it catch God by surprise? No. God was ready for it in 1844, the very year that Darwin began to circulate his theories of macroevolution. And God had the beginnings of a church that took the name 7th day Adventist Church in 1863 and comprised members of the Presbyterian Baptist churches who came out of the great disappointment of 1844. And that same new church, which has the everlasting Gospel, not a new gospel, would also tell the world that the judgment has now begun in the courts of heaven, and we need to be getting ready for the return of the King of kings and Lord of Lords. So let us do a summary. Now, science supports divine instant creation, not macroevolution, especially the discovery of the Polonium Radiohalos embedded in the granites. Number two. We have the testimony of witnesses from 2000 years ago. We cannot ignore these living accounts of what they saw Jesus do instantly. Number three. We had the time prophecies. 100% accurate maths gives irrefutable evidence for the existence of a supreme God who can tell the end from the beginning. Number four. Geological layers with straight lines separating the layers caused by rapidly receding waters such as in the Biblical flood. These straight lines support the flood story. Number five. Pilt down man. This was proved to be a hoax. Yet it was claimed by the scientists for over 50 years as the missing link between humans and apes. Number six. We have the testimony of Jesus himself. He cannot lie or he could not be the savior of the world. Number seven. Mount St. Helen's eruption and the resulting new instant canyons proves macroevolution is wrong. For God did not need millions of years like the macroevolutionists say the volcano produced those canyons instantly. Number eight, heavenly objects moving in order and by design from a central point. Dr. Edwin Hubble said this point is intolerable to macroevolution and must never be admitted. NumbEr nine. The calendar ADBC numbered after Jesus. We've used it for 2000 years. Enemies now trying to do away with it by replacing it with something else. Number ten. Symbiotic relationships between different species. These must coexist from the very beginning for they need each other. Number eleven. The seven day week. It is not an event of nature and it can only be explained by Genesis, chapters one and two. Number twelve. Photosynthesis. All plants in human life would have died if macroevolution had happened in the time sequence that macroevolutionists use. All of the points listed in this presentation prove that the Christian faith is not a blind faith. It is based on substantial visible evidence and supported by the testimony of thousands of witnesses. Over 4000 scientists have now switched to believing in a designer God and have walked away from theory of macroevolution. But you don't hear about that in the news media. Jesus proved just 2000 years ago that he could create instantly in the presence of witnesses. And the Bible already told us in Ephesians three, verse nine. God created all things by Jesus Christ. And therefore we believe what Jesus said. Jesus was much more than a good man. Jesus was much more than a prophet. Jesus was God concealed in a human body. The only human being who ever lived on Earth who never sinned was Jesus Christ. Therefore it is wrong to suggest that there are many sons of God and many ways to heaven. So in the light of twelve lines of evidence presented today, I can say to you confidently that Christians who believe in and rightly interpret the true Bible are the ones who have the intelligent faith. Not only do they have the intelligent faith, but they are happier as well. Generally speaking, this is because they have a present hope that gives them a purpose for living answers the question, why was I born? Why am I here and where am I going? And once they've joined God's first kingdom of grace here on planet Earth, they also have a hope of living again in God's eternal second kingdom of glory that is coming. And so they can approach life and death with an entirely different mental attitude. As a result, they are less likely to be depressed or suicidal. Contrast that now with the next few conclusions or observations concerning macroevolution, because macroevolution cannot answer the question, why was I born? Why am I here? And where am I going? Millions of students worldwide leave school or university without answers to these vital questions. And they have been taught that if you need religion, you are leaning on a crutch. Macroevolution also teaches that only the strong succeed and so make hay while the sun shines and forget about an eternal destiny. Could this be the reason why we have so much violence in our world today? But that statement also implies that if you feel a desire to have religion in your life, then you are a weakling. That statement is simply a load of nonsense, for it takes a real man and a real woman to stand for God and to have this glorious hope for the future. No wonder, therefore, that young people, having no Judaic Christian religious aspect to their life, experiment with illicit drugs, booze, illicit sex, or even the pagan Eastern religions. They are hoping to find something that will fill the emotional emptiness they feel in their hearts. They haven't yet discovered that the answer to their needs is in an area not provided for by the macroevolutionary theory. Macroevolution only caters for three aspects of life, the mental, the physical and the social aspects of life. Yet the searchers for true happiness found that they had chosen experiments in these three aspects of life gave them happiness. But it was always temporary, for it soon dissipated, and as a result, it provided no permanent or lasting satisfaction. Like you to notice what's on this screen here at the moment. Tragically, macroevolutionists and atheists who deny the existence of God encourage a secular way of life. But it leaves a big empty hole in the emotional well being of people. I've been tHere, I know what it's like. However, those who have moved away from temporary or illicit experiences and found the Judaic Christian. God then found the source of true and lasting happiness. And I found that way back in 1971, thanks to my wife. But some of the others not making that discovery soon became depressed and potentially suicidal. And that is very, very sad, for it is so unnecessary. The solution to finding lasting and stable happiness is to move away from the secular triangle of life promoted by atheists, macroevolutionists and humanists. For there is a better way. And it was set up by God himself. You see, God's model for living is not a triangle, but a square. And the square caters for the mental, the physical, the social, and the missing dimension of life, the Judaic Christian spiritual aspect of life. Luke Two, verse 52 tells us this. And it has four active components instead of three. God set up the square for the model of living 6000 years ago. I want you to imagine what it's like driving a car on three cylinders. When the manufacturer provided your car with four. It would not be performing at optimum levels, would it? Well, God has given us four dimensions to life. Most people, however, are only following three. Hence the unhappiness level is where it is today. This has them living an unfulfilled life which at times gives them a feeling of emptiness. The one aspect that can give lasting satisfaction is the God given Judaic Christian spiritual aspect. And it's the one dimension missing in their lives today. For decades now, the unscientific macroevolutionary theory has been taught in schools and universities as a fact. But in my humble opinion, it is nothing but a fairy tale. Whilst the other theory on the origins of life found in the Holy Bible and which I showed you in this presentation has a scientific basis has not been allowed to be taught officially in recent times. This means that those who are in charge of school and university curriculums have a lot to answer for, both now and on the great Judgment Day. And so I repeat what I said before. Macroevolution is nothing more than a fairy tale. Therefore, the Macroevolutionists are the ones who have the blind faith. The Bible confirms that the Bible, believing Christian, has the intelligent faith. We find it in two Peter one, verse 16. Two Peter One, verse 16. For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, but were eyewitnesses of His Majesty. So hold fast to our intelligent faith, knowing that soon our faith will be rewarded when our Lord returns in majesty. And that day is not too far off. Now, I've probably shared with you today information that might be new to you, but that's not sufficient. As I've got written up here, new head knowledge is one thing, but now there needs to be a response from the heart. When should we respond to God's invitation to join his family here on Earth? Well, the answer is now, for we do not know if we will have a tomorrow. Join God's Kingdom of grace first here on planet Earth. Then you qualify to belong to the second kingdom of glory in heaven. This will give life a real purpose and does answer the question, why am I born? Why am I here and where am I going? By adding the fourth dimension into our lives being the Judaic Christian spiritual dimension, then you can experience a joy and happiness that money cannot buy. Consider now the next two slides. We graduate from Kindie to primary school. We graduate from primary to intermediate school. We graduate from intermediate school to high school. We graduate from high school to university, and most of the population then stop as if to say, I have reached the pinnacle of learning. But there is one more graduation step to take, graduating from the School of hard knocks here on planet Earth to the University of Heaven, where we will never stop learning and our teacher will be God himself. But there's only one way to get to that university. As our next slide reveals, John 14, verse six tells us, Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes unto The Father but by me. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the only one who can give us eternal life. And it's confirmed in our next Bible. Reading from it says, neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. And that's in acts four, verse twelve. On the question of our eternal destiny, there are only two parties to vote for God's side or his enemy's side, for there's a heaven to win and a hell to shun. We don't go there automatically in death. Instead, we are required to respond to Christ's invitation by choosing wisely and then acting accordingly. Now you'll know that all invitations require the invitee to reply. There is an RSVP date in the context of God's invitation to have a meaningful relationship with him. Then, if you accept the invitation, a place is prepared for you in God's dwelling place in the third Heaven, which is the central part of the whole universe. If you do not accept God's invitation, then you are not permitted to live in heaven, for no place will have been prepared for you. Now, if God does the saving and we do the choosing, then this is not the time to sit on the fence as if there is some value in being neutral. We're not to be neutral for Jesus, speaking as God said, you are either for me or against me. And that's in Matthew Twelve, verse 30. So what we need is a knowledge of the Bible so we can make intelligent decisions. For there is a beautiful new world coming where there'll be no more sickness, suffering, pain or death. No more funeral parlors, hospitals or jails. And we will be reunited with our loved ones if they have accepted the same invitation. What peace and security there will be, and freedom from want and fear and sorrow will be a thing of the past. The signs of the times tell us that we will soon enter the promised land and live in mansions built for us by none other than King Jesus, the God of the universe. Then may I suggest that you do a free, online, topical Bible study at any of these suggested satellite stations which can be accessed on your computer, TV or satellite. The Hope Channel. Amazing facts, amazing discoveries. 3ABN and it is written. All are websites that provide topical Bible study courses and which I have confidence in. May God bless us all and our loved ones today and forever. You've been listening to spiritual treasure chest with Bill Gates, brought to you by 3ABN Australia radio. For more resources like this, visit the YouTube page Bill Gates spiritual treasure chest.

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