From Rome's Political Power Loss to the Ecumenical Movement - STC2408

Episode 8 April 19, 2024 00:57:00
From Rome's Political Power Loss to the Ecumenical Movement - STC2408
Spiritual Treasure Chest
From Rome's Political Power Loss to the Ecumenical Movement - STC2408

Apr 19 2024 | 00:57:00


Show Notes

The Roman Catholic Church's political power was lost in 1798, fulfilling a Bible prophecy, but then restored through a 1929 agreement with Mussolini's Italy. How could this resurgence of papal authority be viewed as the healing of a "deadly wound"? What pagan ideas did Catholicism adopt that God may want to correct? Does evidence from a newspaper support the claim that the "wound was healed"? Listen to discover these pressing questions.

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Episode Transcript

Are you ready to embark on a thought provoking journey of discovery? Curious to explore an alternative narrative that challenges the theory of evolution? What impact has the in heaven had on our planet? And what are the implications for humanity? What can we learn from this epic battle that is unfolding between good and evil? Here is your opportunity to unlock a treasure trove of spiritual insights from the Bible that will answer these and many other pressing questions, illuminating the path to eternal life, which lies just a choice away. Here is Bill Gates presenting from Rome's political power loss to the ecumenical movement. At the end of part six of the big picture, which was the 7th programme in this series of ten, we read a verse of scripture as follows. Revelation 13, verse three. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast. We learned it earlier in part six of the big picture, that the Roman Catholic Church suffered a deadly wound when it lost its political power in 1798. This verse tells us that the deadly wound would be healed. How did this happen? Well, today we get the answer to that question. Here we have a picture, an historic picture, of the signing of the lateral impact on February 11, 1929 in Italy. And we have Cardinal Gaspari on the left, representing the Vatican, and General Mussolini representing Italy, on the right. Italy agreed to restore political power back to the papacy in 1929. Thus the Vatican would become a political religious state again within the city of Rome. This signing was done to help Mussolini. You see, he needed the catholic youth so his army numbers could be boosted. You also knew that Rome would extract a price if they were to encourage their youth to join Mussolini's army. And so Mussolini agreed to restore political power to the Vatican. He agreed to compensate the Vatican for the loss of their papal states back in the early 18 hundreds. And he agreed that as the Vatican would be a sovereign nation again, they could appoint nuncios or diplomats and receive diplomats from all the countries of the world. Here is the evidence from the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper. They even mentioned the wound was healed. So the protestant nation of the USA certainly knew the significance of what was happening in 1929. So what would God do next to deal with a resurgent roman catholic church that had brought in so many pagan ideas into Christianity and now had its political power back again? Just 80. After 18 years, God allowed mankind to find the Dead Sea Scrolls. This happened in 1947. The archaeologists discovered a complete manuscript of the Book of Isaiah, and it matches very accurately to our modern day book of Isaiah. This excited the Christians and the Jews worldwide. So what would Satan do next? Well, he organised for a major political event to happen that excited the whole religious world. Yet it was a devious action to throw people off the track of truth and back onto the track of error. And what was that event he organised for the reestablishment of the literal nation of Israel, even though God had abandoned that nation as his chosen messengers back in 34 ad. This is the meeting where the declaration for establishing the state of modern Israel took place. It's a declaration that captured the imagination of all Christians who believe in the secret rapture and the rebuilding of the jewish temple. But it is a deception because of what Jesus said about the jewish religious leaders and the literal nation of Israel. Notice in the time prophecy Jesus gave the jewish religious leaders from Christ's crucifixion in 31 AD until 34 AD to get right with God. And they failed. They rejected Jesus as the world saviour and they stoned Stephen to death in 34 AD. So God had no choice but to reject the literal nation of Israel, because they had rejected him as their God. Then God arranged for spiritual Israel to become his new chosen messengers. And they are founding. Galatians 329. And as we've read this one before, if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Galatians 329. Thus all Israel shall be saved. The Israel being referred to here is spiritual Israel, being those that accept Christ as the messiah. Then Satan made another major move. It was, and still is, a cunning plan. This time, Satan, working through his various agencies, sets up the ecumenical movement. How do we know that it is Satan pulling the puppet strings? Revelation 13, verse two and three tells us that that the beast or kingdom that came up out of the sea got its power from the dragon, which is the biblical symbol for Satan. You'll find that in revelation twelve, verse nine. Bible makes it crystal clear that the papacy is the empire that came up amongst a heavily populated area, symbolised by the seas, which represents nations, multitudes, tongues and people. Bible also makes it crystal clear that it is Satan who gives it its power and great authority, even though it is seemed to be a part of Christianity. Coming back to the establishment of the ecumenical movement, Catholics now no longer call Protestants heretics. Now she calls them separated brethren. She is wooing the Protestants and all religious people to come back to Rome in the name of love, so that Jesus'prayer that we might be one can be fulfilled. So what is the ecumenical movement? It's a movement designed to draw individuals, groups and churches into a one world religion, eventually putting all under the roman pontiff as the head of the universal church. But it's being done in a way that hides their real intent. How can you argue against such a movement when it seeks to give a better deal for families? By giving them quality time off work so that families can be together on Sundays. But God had already made arrangements for the families to be together on the Sabbath, not Sundays. The ecumenical movement is a masterpiece of deception from the Roman Catholic Church. This movement had its beginnings in the Second Vatican Council held in Rome in the 1960s. But the real agenda is to get people to come back to church on Sundays. But under the Vatican's ultimate control. This movement employs various techniques that range from joint declarations of faith to stadium events that brings all denominations under one roof to solidify unity that is rooted in emotion instead of rooted in truth. However, if you have come out of the Roman Catholic Church, as I have done, and stand in the light of biblical truth, why would you want unity on a platform of erupt a system that denies the very essentials of true biblical Christianity, unity on a platform of truth as Jesus prayed for. I can say yes to that. Unity on a platform. Amira, as the ecumenical movement seeks. I say no to that. The ecumenical call is based on John 1721, which says that they all may be one, as thou, Father, art in me and I in thee, that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. There is a real danger in building a world religious empire just on one Bible text for just four verses back, Jesus gives us the context for oneness and unity. Jesus said in John 17, verse 17, sanctify them through thy truth. Thy word is truth. So there is the context. Unity is to be based on the truths of the Bible in order that God may sanctify the true believer through those truths. You know, only holy or sanctified people make it to heaven, and we need the truths of Christ in order to be sanctified by him. But the ecumenical movement ignores these Bible teachings that have separated the various christian denominations for the sake of a misguided unity. So how can God sanctify them? The true believer's faith is to be based on God's word of truth, not on church traditions or policies of convenience, nor on subjective emotions, political correctness, or cunningly laid plots. To have a one world religion fusing multitudes of different religions on the basis of love and tolerance, even if it means tolerating error. I call that smorgasbord theology basing their teachings on what they have in common and ignoring the biblical doctrines that they don't agree with. But what is to be the basis of true faith? Romans 1017 faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Therefore, any movement, including the ecumenical movement, is doomed to fail, even though it might appear to succeed if it does not adhere to the simple teaching of God. For as our next slide says in Amos three, verse three, can two walk together except they be agree? The Vatican ecumenical movement asks people to come together in love and unity by throwing away the doctrines that divide people. This is dangerous because Jesus taught the truth. As our next slide shows, Isaiah 45, verse 19 I the Lord speak righteousness. I declare things that are right. You would expect that he is God. So it would be a smart person who accepts that God knows best and to follow God's teachings. Ecumenical movement's problems are that because some of their teachings and liturgy have no higher authority than tradition, they are forced to say, let us ignore the biblical doctrines that divide us. But God said in proverbs four, verse two for I give you good doctrine, forsake you not my law. And Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, said in one Timothy one, verses one to eleven, these words teach sound doctrine. Why the emphasis on doctrine? Because biblical doctrines teach us what we need to know. Biblical doctrine informs us of who we are and who God is. Biblical doctrine defines the sin problem and reveals its remedy. Bible doctrine defines absolute truth when rightly interpreted, and this helps us to become the people God intends for us to become. Bible doctrine also reveals the beautiful future that awaits the faithful saints, thus giving purpose and hope in a troubled world. To summarise, the holy scriptures are the supreme, authoritative, and the infallible revelation of God's will. They are the standard of character, the test of experience, the definitive revealer of doctrines, and the trustworthy record of God's acts in history. Therefore, if the ecumenical movement says, ignore those doctrines that divide us, but God says, my doctrines are important, then it is imperative that we oppose the ecumenical ideas and instead teach continually God's biblical doctrines. Did you know that Rome believes that soon there will only be two churches in the world? This is a note from the editors of Mary online, December 2003. The challenge issued by Rome over a hundred years ago remains either the Catholic Church is right or the 7th day Adventists are right. There can be no other choice. And if one choose neither, then the whole doctrine of sola scriptura collapses, and with it the pillar upon which all Protestantism stands. Rhyme also made another profound statement about the 7th Adventist Church. And we've shared it with you before, but it's worth sharing again. St. Catherine Catholic Church Sentinel, May 21 nine five people who think that the scriptures should be the sole authority should logically become 7th day Adventists and keep Saturday holy. That is a testimony from a church that opposes God's sabbath and is quietly promoting a man made pagan Sabbath. And not so quietly either, because Cardinal James Gibbons of New York confirms this statement in a publication dated 2 September 1893. Comes from the Catholic Mirror, 2 September 1893. Thus it is impossible to find in the New Testament the slightest interference by the Saviour or his apostles with the original Sabbath. But on the contrary, an entire acquiescence in the original arrangement, nay, a plenary endorsement by him whilst living and an unvaried active participation in the keeping of that day and no other by the apostles for 30 years after his death, as the acts of the apostles has abundantly testified to us. Hence the conclusion is inevitable that of those who follow the Bible as their guide. The Israelites and 7th day Adventists have the exclusive weight of evidence on their side, whilst the biblical Protestant has no not a word in self defence for his substitution of Sunday for Saturday. So the ecumenical movement is now getting quite brazen by embracing the idea that just as there are many routes to the summit of a mountain, there are many religions and any one of them will take you to heaven. That is not true. You see, God has not asked his christian people to merge the true christian faith with pagan faiths and practises that type of thinking is so wrong. Jesus said, there's only one way to get to heaven and only one way to be saved, and that is this. I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. John 14, verse six. Jesus could say that because inside his human body he concealed his divinity in order to save us from being destroyed by his holy presence. And he could also say that because as a human, he was the only human who has ever lived who'd never sinned. And acts four, verse twelve has a very powerful statement. Neither is this salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts four, verse twelve. And so thinking that one can safely follow religious traditions instead of the teachings of the holy Bible is a sure way of making shipwreck of one's faith. When you ignore the captain's instructions, it is certain that we will crash on the reefs of error. We have God's promise that the Bible alone and not the Bible and tradition is profitable. As two Timothy 316 says, all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction and righteousness. Two, Timothy 316. But because of our insistence on three things, teaching from the plain word of God, calling evil by its right name and resisting the ecumenical movement's plans, we will be branded as spiritual lepers, occult and unloving, all these labels, of course, being totally unfounded and unwarranted. But you'd expect that when they can't defend their position from the Bible, they attack the messenger. But Satan has played another cunning trick. He has got the liberal reformist teaching that those who stand for the old ways and the old values are evil and that those who promote deviant lifestyles are good. This is one of the underlying causes of society's problems today. But God has a warning for those deviants and that portion of the public, media and government departments and broadcasting organisations that advocate for them. Isaiah five, verse 20 woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light, and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. But there is another tragedy looming for christians who say just follow Jesus, that's all that matters. For if a Christian does not know what God's biblical teachings are, they will be sitting ducks for the gross deceptions that Satan has planned and which are in the Bible. These gross deceptions centre on four things time, the 7th day Sabbath and what happens when you die and the institute of marriage. I'll only have time to address the first and second deceptions regarding time and the 7th day Sabbath so that I can prepare you for the great deception on time and the change of the Sabbath. Let us go back to an event that happened on resurrection Sunday morning. This will illustrate the importance of appreciating sound Bible doctrines as well as believing on Jesus Christ, our saviour and coming king. Luke 24 verse one. Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they and certain other women with them came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchut and they entered in and found not the body of the Lord Jesus. Now our next Bible verse has two angels speaking to the ladies at the tomb, and an angel says in Luke 24 verse six, he is not here, but he is risen. What day of the week does the Bible say it was? Luke 24, verse one answers that for us. Now, on the first day of the week, very early in the morning they and certain other women with them came to the tomb. The ancient eastern Bible manuscripts do not say Sunday. Instead it says, on the first day of the week, make sure that one's locked into your brain. So now they find an empty tomb, because Jesus has risen as he promised to do. And as we look at our next slide, we find that the first day of the week was indeed Sunday. This was the day Christ rose from the tomb. But something happened around 1925 that was to impact me in a big way in the mid 1960s, and it is also impacting christians today. The story starts at the Auckland railway station in New Zealand. I went to the Auckland railway station to book a seat on a Wednesday passenger train called the Auckland Wellington Limited express. Although I paid for the train ticket, I ended up not being on that train because of some sneaky and unreported actions in high but unknown places. When I arrived on the Wednesday to board the train, only then did I discover that my ticket was for the Thursday instead of the Wednesday, which by now had been booked out. And so I missed my Wednesday train. Teach me. I should have been on this train about washing. How could this happen? Someone had changed the calendars. Have a look at this modern calendar that the Auckland railway station staff were using. And what do you see? What is the first day of the week? Monday. And it also shows Sunday as the 7th day of the week. And the middle of the week is Thursday, not Wednesday. That is what fooled me. This was the first occasion that I became aware that somebody was changing our calendars and diaries. So I decided to track down who was changing the calendar and I discovered that it was the international standards organisation in Switzerland. They were the ones who had repositioned the days of the week on the modern diaries and calendars. So I wrote a letter to them and I asked them a question. Who gave you the authority to change the sequence of the days of the week as ordained by God? They sent me a letter and replied as follows. They said they had consulted with two religious experts who said there'd be no problem trying to reposition Monday, which was the first day of the business week, and make it the first day of the calendar week. I wrote back and told them that their actions created huge problems for the religious community and what those problems were. A ten year old boy asked his Sunday keeping christian father, dad, why do we go to church on Sunday? And the father says, well, son, Jesus rose on Sunday, the first day of the week, and that's why we go to church on Sunday. But dad, Sunday's not the first day of the week, Sunday's the 7th day of the week. He's looking at one of these modern calendars. Ten year old boy asks his Saturday Sabbath keeping christian or jewish father dad, why do we go to church on Saturday? And the father says to the boy, son, when God made this world, he created the 7th day, Sabbath at the end of the week and that's sunset Friday to sunset Saturday because that's the 7th day of the week. But Dan, Saturday is not the 7th day of the week. Saturday is the 6th day of the week. So you can now make an application of this problem to the resurrection morning. What day of the week did Jesus rise from the tomb? Luke says it was the first day of the week. But now in the 21st century, it depends on which calendar you're looking at. The normal calendar we have used for thousands of years says the first day is a Sunday, but the modern calendars say it is a Monday. No committed Sabbath keeping christian or a committed Sunday keeper should have a calendar or diary that has Monday as the first day of the week or Sunday as the 7th day of the week. Because neither the Sabbath keeper nor the Sunday keeper can defend the reason for their choice of days for congregational religious activities from the modern calendar. I had an amazing thing happen to me at the age of 72. The Commonwealth bank of Australia gave me a job and I was there for three years. The first day I arrived they gave me a laptop and the calendar on the computer had Monday as the first day of the week and Sunday as the 7th day. I said to them, I'm sorry gentlemen, I cannot work with this calendar. And so they changed it back to where it should be. I don't know how to do it, but obviously you can do it. This subject is important because Germany, Austria and Hungary have all legislated Sunday for rest and congregational worship practises instead of Saturday, the day that God set up, and their calendars show Sunday as the 7th day of the week. Satan, God's enemy, is trying to set up another day called Sunday to replace God's holy day. And this is just a much a part of his rebellion against God and he works through his various chosen agencies as we shall now see. Here's a quotation from Catholicism and fundamentalism by Carl Keating, 1988, page 38. It was the Catholic Church that decided Sunday should be the day of worship for christians in honour of the resurrection. Who made that decision? The Roman Catholic Church, they say so publicly. Themselves and millions of devoted christians follow Rome blindly instead of following the Bible wisely. Here is another of their books where they admit to making the chains contrary to what God says we should do. Faith of our fathers by James Gibbons, page 111. You may read the Bible from Genesis to revelation and you will not find a single line authorising the sanctification of Sunday. I have that book in my library and the quote is 100% accurate. The change of the Sabbath by the roman catholic leaders in days gone by from the 7th day to the first day was indefensible from the conventional calendar. But the new calendar makes the 7th day Sunday instead of Saturday, and therefore they can now claim to have a defence. So the new incorrect calendars play havoc with the resurrection story and the true Sabbath day, and therefore plays right into the hands of Satan and the papacy. For a one world religion with Sunday is the day set apart by them for enforced congregational worship. When the ecumenical movement gets legislators to make it compulsory for all to go to church on Sunday, then these actions that have been prophesied to happen will give the mark of the beast to all who put man's laws ahead of God's laws. So we've got man's compulsory Sunday law versus God's eternal moral law. And the issue is not the day, the issue is loyalty to God. That's the issue. Make the wrong decision on this point and you will be prevented from going to heaven. Because if you cannot obey the laws of God now, you won't get the chance to obey them in eternity. Why does this decision of theirs disqualify them from going to heaven? Because the Bible makes it crystal clear that only those who, after accepting Christ's atoning sacrifice, choose to obey the commandments of God as an expression of love to God, are the ones who go. Jesus said, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. John 14, verse 15. And it's these people who'll be going to heaven. As our next slide shows, we've had this before. Revelation 20 214 blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have ride to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city. So this is serious. Sunday is based on custom, tradition and a command of the Roman Catholic Church, and this was confirmed in the previous slides. You can imagine how upset God would be when mankind legislates Sunday for congregational worship and rest. God has already legislated Sunday Friday to sunset Saturday for this purpose. But just as I did in the previous presentation, I want to make absolutely sure that I am not being misunderstood here. Satan works where we least expect to find him, in the churches as we expose his cunning ways, we will discover non biblical teachings in a counterfeit system of worship which is not pleasing to God. We are to expose these errors, but within those false systems of worship are godly people who love God and will be found in God's paradise. We will expose the errors but not condemn the people unwittingly caught up in it. I have published this warning because we now have to address an extremely important issue from the Bible, how to avoid getting the mark of the beast, because those who get it will not be going to heaven, for they incur the wrath of God. As our next slide shows, revelation 1410 the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb. Revelation 1410 those who receive the mark of the beast will be recipients of the wrath of God. They will not be on God's side in these final days. They will be part of an age old rebellion against God. Therefore, it is important for us to understand who the beast is and what comprises this mark of the beast, so that we can avoid deception and survive spiritually in the end time. These are life and death issues and God wants us to understand these issues. Therefore, it is essential that I break this down so it can be understood by people who have never been shown the clues that unlock Bible symbolism. The first clue is that God uses animals or beasts to denote kingdoms. And here is the evidence we have. Daniel eight, verse three. It's a vision from God to the prophet Daniel. Then I lifted up my eyes and saw a ram which had two horns. Then God gives Daniel the interpretation in verse 20, the ram which you saw having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. So God is the one who invented the idea of using beasts to denote kingdoms. We do it today. If I was to say springbox, what country would I be referring to? South Africa. Wallabies. Australia? But just in case you think that Daniel's prophecy might be a fluke, let us look again at Daniel eight and we'll see a second example. This time, verse five gives us God's vision to the prophet Daniel. And as I was considering, a male goat came from the west and it had a notable horn between its eyes. Verse 21, God gives him the interpretation. The rough goat is the king of Grecia, and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. History tells us that Greece did in fact overcome the dual monarchy of the Medes and the Persians in 331 BC. And the conquering first king denoted by the large horn was Alexander the Great. So when we talk about the mark of the beast, we're going to be talking about the mark of a kingdom. The mark of the beast constitutes the last battle for the hearts and minds of humans. This happens before God steps in and closes the door of salvation. Those who are loyal to God he takes to heaven before destroying this planet and all of the evil that exists on it. Revelation 13 one to ten reveals a composite beast and represents the roman catholic papacy. Remember, this is an overview, not a Bible study. I could spend half an hour just on these ten verses alone to prove the point, but for the sake of the overview, we need to press on. Revelation 1311 to 18 has another beast and this one represents the United States of America. Again, I would need half an hour to prove the point, but these two beasts work together to bring about the final events of Earth's history before Jesus returns. They have already started working together. This Time magazine report confirms my statement that they have worked together before on that occasion was to bring about the demise of communism in the old USSR. I cannot stress enough the urgency of understanding these two main agencies that Satan is using to try and force people to accept the mark of the beast. Let us notice two Bible verses in revelation that talk about the mark and the number six six. Revelation 13 verse 17, that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark of the beast or the number of his name. Revelation 1318. Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six six six. This is not a Social Security number or a computer chip, or the number six six on the sole of european shoes. The Bible says God says it is the number of a man. Never forget that. Let us now look at the evidence and I will quote from the first beast's own resource material. I cannot be fairer than that. What specifically is the mark of the beast? It must be a sign of the Roman Church's authority. So let us see what the church says about her distinctive mark. Of course, the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act, and the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters. Letter, October 28, 1895, from C. F. Thomas. So Rome is quite open about this by claiming that making the change of God's 7th day Sabbath to Rome's first day Sunday is their mark of authority in religious matters. They did that in the council of Leodicea back in the 300 ad time. Here is a second claim by Rome from our own writings. Sunday is our mark of authority. Church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact. Catholic record, September 1 923. What did Rome claim was her mark of authority? The fact that she claimed to have changed the fourth commandment of God, and that changing God's 7th day Sabbath to the pagan's first day Sunday is her authoritative mark in religious matters. We've identified the beast. We've identified her mark. How they did it I think I've mentioned already, this was shortly after Emperor Constantine passed the edict of Milan, making Sunday the day for congregational meetings of worship. Then Rome makes a profound statement about the Sunday keeping protestant churches. This next quotation proves that the protestant Sunday keeping churches who claim to believe and follow the Bible in the Bible only are in an indefensible position. Plain talk about the Protestants of today. Page two, one, three. The observance of Sunday by the Protestants is in homage. They pay, in spite of themselves to the authority of the Catholic Church. Protestants claim to believe the Bible and the Bible only, but they don't follow what the Bible says about the true Sabbath keeping. They are following a creation of the Roman Catholic Church. As the previous slide showed, they are paying homage to Rome by refusing to acknowledge and honour God's 7th day Sabbath and instead worship congregationally on the first day Sunday that Rome brought in from pagan and babylonian sources. Further comments from an inspired Bible commentator help us to further understand this matter. Review in Herald, January 1 Eightyn. Prophecy represents Protestantism as having lamb like horns, but speaking like a dragon. Already we are beginning to hear the voice of the dragon. There is a satanic force propelling the Sunday movement, but it is concealed. Even the men who are engaged in the work are themselves blinded to the results which will follow their movement. And so, to have congregational worship of God on a Sunday is to refuse to obey God's express command that comes to us all the way from the garden of Eden. And to follow what Rome says, or what the world government say is to declare that the pope and the world's religious and political leaders are right and that God is wrong. Are we brave enough to tell God that? Then came some counsel for 7th day adventists. Review in Herald, January 1, 1889. Let not the commandment keeping people of God be silent at this time as though we gracefully accepted the situation. There is the prospect before us of waging a continuous war at the risk of imprisonment, of losing property and even life itself. To defend the law of God, which is being made void by the laws of men, loyalty is the question. And just because I obey the 6th commandment and do not kill anyone, that does not mean I worship the true God, the creator God. It's not just about a day, it's about loyalty. It is only when I keep the fourth commandment that I acknowledge myself as a loyal subject of my creator God. That is why the keeping of the true Sabbath commandment is such a special test of loyalty. And because Rome has interfered with God's law and can only claim tradition in defence of those changes, we are now at the point where we can have a look at how Rome will force compulsory congregational Sunday worship onto the world. Do remember that Jesus taught that we are to labour on the same secular six days of the week that he laboured, this being Sunday to Friday inclusive, being the days that God laboured on, as recorded in Genesis, way back in the formation of this world. And then we're commanded to rest on the same 7th day Sabbath that God made as his appointed day for congregational worship. Now, I've mentioned so many times that time frame is sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. It's still God's sacred time today and will always be so. Therefore, Rome's plans are contrary to God's plans and certainly don't come from Jesus Christ, whom the pope claims to represent. The world's population do not realise that events behind the scenes are going to put a person into one of two camps, the mark of the beast camp, which is bad, or the seal of God camp, which is good. And it all centres on this question of obedience to man's pending laws, or obedience to God's existing laws. If we get the mark of the beast, we miss out on heaven. If we receive the seal of God, we will be going to heaven. How then, do I get the mark of the beast, which, I might add, begins in the United States? Let us let an inspired Bible commentator tell us from Maron Arthur, June 10 in order for the United States to form an image of the beast, the religious power must so control the civil government that the authority of the state will also be employed by the church to accomplish her own ends. The image of the beast represents that form of apostate Protestantism which will be developed when the protestant churches shall seek the aid of the civil power for the enforcement of their dogmas. Sunday observance shall be enforced by law, and the world shall be enlightened concerning the obligation of the true Sabbath. Then whoever shall transgress the command of God to obey a precept which has no higher authority than that of Rome, will thereby honour poppy above God. He is paying homage to Rome and to the power which enforces the institution ordained by Rome. He is worshipping the beast, the Roman Catholic Church and his image, the apostate protestant churches. And it is not until the issue is thus plainly set before the people and they are brought to choose between the commandments of God and the commandments of men, that those who continue in transgression will receive the mark of the beast. In the issue of the contest, all Christendom will be divided into two great classes. Number one, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. And number two, those who worship the beast and his image and receive his mark. That is, when you receive the mark of the beast, how you receive it is simple. When you choose to obey the laws of men, which then require you to break the laws of God, that is how you receive the mark of the beast. The image of the beast is apostate Protestantism urging governments to force people to accept the Roman Catholic Church as Sunday legislation, thereby forcing the mark of the beast on the unsuspecting people. There is a Bible precedent for governments doing this sort of legislation. Nebuchadnezzar commanded all of his population to bow down to the golden statue he had erected back in the days of the literal kingdom of Babylon around 600 BC. But notice this. Three jewish captive men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, refused to honour the babylonian government's decree, for to do so would have had them breaking the second commandment of God. Just so, when the world's governments issue a compulsory decree that all should go to church on Sunday, the committed Christian will refuse to do so, because to do that would cause them to break the fourth commandment, being the Sabbath commandment of God. Far better to break a commandment of men than to break a commandment of God. And those that do obey the world government decrees will receive the mark of the beast, and that will lead to them receiving the wrath of God. Let us ask God daily for the power that he gave to the three worthies to be given to us, so that we do not receive the mark of the beast or receive the wrath of God. Well, what about this mysterious number? Six? Six? Six. What is it? Where did it come from? We'll read revelation 1318. Here is wisdom. Let him who is understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six six six. Let us see how this works out. The latin name for the pope is Vicarious Filioi dei, which in English means vicar of the son of God. And when we remember that in the greek, Hebrew and Latin languages, the Alphabet had numerical values attached to its letters, it's very easy to work out. Here it is vicarious fili dayai. V is five. I is one. C is 100. I is one. U is five. F is naught. I is one. L is 50. I is one. I is. Add the three words up. 112 plus 53 plus 501 gives you six six six. History reveals that this name appeared on the triple crown that was worn by popes in past ages. Here is a picture of the name on the pope's mitre. And that name is vicarious Filioi Dayai, which we saw came to six six six. Some people question the authenticity of this picture, but we cannot ignore the countless eyewitness accounts recorded on the pages of history from people who have seen it. Plus, it is significant that the pope stopped wearing that elaborate triple crown and replaced it with a simple shepherd's mitre around the late 1960s when the ecumenical movement was being launched. But in doing that, they never transferred that latin name onto the simpler shepherd's mitre. But there is history behind this number six six, for it comes into the christian church via the ancient Roman Catholic Church leaders and is definitely associated with the old, literal babylonian kingdom whose day for worship was Sunday, and they worshipped the sun God, not the true creator God. Thus, this subject definitely has to do with the battle between the peddlers of Satan's pagan eras within the christian church versus the missionaries and evangelists who teach the truths of God through the Bible. The Bible highlights the number six six as another symbol to demonstrate the link between the false religion and worship of the ancients, but the false religion and worship of the last days of earth's history. Now, the number six six is not the mark of the beast. It is the number of a man. We discovered earlier that the number six six was the pope's latin name, vicarious Filioi Dayai. I now want to prove to you that the number six six has come down into the Roman Catholic Church from pagan sources and not christian sources. And I will do it in an unusual way. What enabled the Allies to win the second World War? Well, it was due to the Allies being able to crack the codes of the enemy during the Second World War. Alan Turing, an Englishman born in 1912, worked at the government code and cypher school at Blitzley park. Where he devised the techniques which cracked the german enigma code. He is widely seen as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence and is credited with helping to shorten the course of the war. So this was the beginning of computers and it was this machine that enabled the codecrackers to decipher the coded messages of the Allies'enemy Hitler. We Christians understand topical Bible study and we know that the Bible has various codes in a variety of ways which enable us to decipher and expose the strategies of God's enemy, Satan. One of these codes is as follows. One, God used literal Israel before the cross. Satan used literal Babylon before the cross. God uses spiritual Israel after the cross. Satan uses spiritual Babylon after the cross. Galatians 329 taught us earlier who spiritual Israel is, but who is spiritual Babylon? History reveals that spiritual Babylon is firstly and primarily the Roman Catholic Church, as you will see shortly. And secondly, the Sunday keeping branch of Protestantism. If you are a genuine seeker for truth, then just a few slides back, you saw how the number six six is a code that came from literal Babylon and now is an identifying number of the supreme ruler of the Roman Catholic Church throughout these last 2000 years. Our next slide shows the major point of difference between spiritual Israel and spiritual Babylon. There are two signs. God's sign is the 7th day Sabbath. To accept or reject our father's gift, that is the choice all humanity must make. It is the testing truth for this time. This time question, then, is the greatest test of loyalty or disloyalty to God. Now there's another great clue as to the pagan nature of Sunday. What you're looking at here is an object called the magic square of the sun, containing random numbers that add up to six six six. It doesn't matter whether you add it across horizontally, whether you add it vertically. Each column comes to 111 and there are six columns horizontally and vertically. So the number six six has to do with sun worship on Sundays and comes into Christianity from pagan Babylon via the Catholic Church. The number six played a key role in the life and religion of the ancient pagan cultures. The Babylonians divided many of their weights, times and measures by six. It was the Babylonians who recognised 360 degrees, 60 by six in a circle, 60 minutes in the hour, 60 seconds in the minute. The number six also held mysterious significance among the sun worshipping priests in their religion. Several ancient religious sun seals called segila solas have been discovered over the years. Segila means sign and solas means sun. So the segila solas means the sign of the sun. Interestingly each column added up to 111 and each of the columns and rows and totaled six, six both horizontally and vertically. The sun monstrance is pagan, not christian, and has been brought into Christianity by the Roman Catholic Church and we are to have no part in it. God made the sun and it is God that should be worshipped, not the sun. I'm speaking there S-U-N. It is confusing to use pagan symbols in a supposed christian service. And the Roman Catholic Church also brought in the pagan Sunday for christian worship, thus trying to destroy reverence for God's true 7th day Sabbath. I've mentioned before it's God's day and he calls it the Lord's day. So the Roman Catholic Church has brought both the symbol of the sun and Sunday into its liturgy, claiming it to be a legitimate part of the worldwide christian worship practise. It is not legitimate and therefore we are to have no part in these forms of false pagan worship practises which God hates. God loves the people, but he hates their sins. Therefore God doesn't say join the ecumenical movement so that unity on a platform of error might exist. No, no. Instead God says in our next three slides and after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having great power. The earth was lightened with his glory. Revelation 18 verse one and he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, babylon, the greatest fallen, is fallen, and has become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. This has to be a reference to spiritual Babylon, which contains many of God's beautiful people. So God has his Sabbath keeping messengers on earth, telling these godly people in the Sunday keeping churches to follow what the Bible says in revelation 18 verse four come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. We are fast approaching cris time for God's truth versus Satan's errors and those christians who obey this call from God to come out of spiritual Babylon and get into spiritual Israel, which is the 7th day Sabbath keeping church will thus be saved from firstly the mark of the beast and secondly the seven last plagues which is the wrath of God. Therefore, those who come out of spiritual Babylon at that time or earlier can confidently look forward going to the heavenly city called New Jerusalem. You've been listening to spiritual treasure chest with Bill Gates, brought to you by 3ABN Australia radio. For more resources like this, visit the YouTube page Bill Gates spiritual treasure chest.

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