From the Protestant Reformation to Rome's Political Power Loss - STC2407

Episode 7 April 12, 2024 00:58:30
From the Protestant Reformation to Rome's Political Power Loss - STC2407
Spiritual Treasure Chest
From the Protestant Reformation to Rome's Political Power Loss - STC2407

Apr 12 2024 | 00:58:30


Show Notes

What can we learn from the Protestant Reformation, the Spanish Armada’s defeat and the Great Disappointment of 1844? How did God use historical people like Queen Elizabeth and William Miller to further His cause, while Satan responded with persecution and violence? Who will ultimately win this cosmic battle? What does the Bible reveal about the final judgement to come? Tune in to uncover the spiritual conflict behind the scenes of history.

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Episode Transcript

Are you ready to embark on a thought provoking journey of discovery? Curious to explore an alternative narrative that challenges the theory of evolution? What impact has the war in heaven had on our planet? And what are the implications for humanity? What can we learn from this epic battle that is unfolding between good and evil? Here is your opportunity to unlock a treasure trove of spiritual insights from the Bible that will answer these and many other pressing questions, illuminating the path to eternal life, which lies just a choice away. Here is Bill Gates presenting from the Protestant Reformation to Rome's political power loss, what did Satan do to counter the Reformation taking place as we look into part six of the big picture? Which is the big picture concerning the war between God and the devil and good and evil? So we will get the answer to that question in this presentation. Well, the devil inspired the Vatican to establish in the mid 16th century the Council of Trent, a roman catholic global synod spread over three sessions in spanning 18 years. This council was appointed for three reasons. Firstly, to try and stem the thousands of people who were leaving the Catholic Church and joining the protestant churches. Secondly, find a way to remove the identity of the pope as being the Antichrist off the pope and onto somebody else. Thirdly, what was to be the relationship between the Bible and tradition? They struggled to come up with answers and towards the end of that council they invoked the St Bartholomew's massacre on March 1, 1562. This ultimately began a process in which between 50 and 70,000 protestant Sabbath keeping huguenotes were butchered in cold blood for not accepting the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. The Huguenotes preferred to follow God's Bible and for this they were martyred. So what would God do to counter Satan's attempts at destroying the true and loyal christians and their biblically based faith? Well, God began to use a special lady called Queen Elizabeth I. God had worked through the preaching of John Knox, the scottish reformer, and this enabled Queen Elizabeth, whose reign was. Well, she was born 1533 and died in 1603, to favour and promote the protestant faith. 45 year reign is generally considered to be one of the most glorious in english history. During this period, a secure Protestant Church of England was established and Elizabeth was undoing the work of her stepsister Mary before her, who was converting England to the catholic faith based on Rome's traditions rather than the Holy Bible. So what did Satan do next? To try and reverse Queen Elizabeth's successful efforts, Satan organised King Philip of Spain to attack England with the plan to turn England back to being a roman catholic nation again. And so a large fleet of spanish galleons was dispatched to attack protestant England. But before they got there, english lookout Post reported the spanish fleet coming and a message was relayed to a sea captain by the name of Francis Drake. God counted Satan's plans by using Francis Drake, who was stationed in Plymouth in the south of England. Here is a picture of Francis Drake on the bowling Green. He's a man after my own heart because I love lawn bowls. It is said that when Drake was informed of the spanish armada's approach, he replied that he had time to finish the game of bowls he was playing on Plymouth Hoe and still have time to defeat the spanish amada. He could say that because as a champion sailor, he knew the tides. And sure enough, he did defeat the spanish armada. God was with him, protecting the true biblical protestant faith by ensuring that Francis Drake was victorious. The Spanish Romada was soundly defeated and as a result, Francis Drake was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I and he became known as Sir Francis Drake. Naturally, the roman catholic leaders of Europe were not at all pleased with their massive defeat. Even today, England is still referred to as Mary's dowry by the Vatican, for Rome still wants England to be a roman catholic nation. But with the ecumenical movement in full bloom, Rome will not only capture England, but she will capture the whole world with a one world religion. Here is a catholic prayer praying that God will protect Rome's dowry, which is mother England. Do remember that we're showing the historical thrust and counter thrust of two supernatural beings, each competing for control of this world. One has every right to it, the other is a usurper. Therefore, looking at history is important. As life sketches page one nine six says, we have nothing to fear for the future except we forget the way the Lord has led us and his teachings in our past history. So we go back again into history to see what God did next. In protecting the protestant faith, King James I played a big part. He was the king of Scotland as James VI from 24 July 1567, and King of England and Ireland as James I from the union of the scottish and english crowns on the 24 March 1603. Until his death, he was also a great defender of the protestant biblical faith. The king James Bible was approved by the king and named after him. So what would Satan try and do next to stop the rapidly advancing success of the distribution of large numbers of these king James Bibles? History reveals that Rome established the roman catholic list of banned books from 1600 AD up until 1966, when Pope Paul VI abolished her. It was simply called the index, and the King James Version of the Bible was on that list as a banned book. And that is what Satan organised through his chosen agency. But incredible, isn't it? You could not buy a King James Bible in a catholic bookstore. And I know that's a fact because I deliberately tried to buy one there and sure enough, I could not buy one. Why would this Bible be banned? Because the catholic leaders knew that the KJV was based on the eastern manuscripts, not on the corrupted ones that the Catholic Vulgate was written from. So what did Satan do next? Well, he organised another person to try and destroy the true protestant biblical faith, and he is well known to us in the 21st century. Satan works through the papacy to influence Mr. Guy Fawkes to be involved in a major plot to destroy Protestantism. He was a member of a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed gunpowder plot of November 5605. It was a plot to assassinate James I, a protestant king of England, and to put a catholic king in his place. The plotters secured an area beneath the House of Lords and Guy Fawkes was placed in charge of the gunpowder that they stockpiled there. They planned to blow up the House of Lords and the Westminster palace and kill the protestant king, James I in the process. But prompted by the receipt of an anonymous letter, the authorities searched Westminster palace during the early hours of the 5 November 1605 and they found Guy Fawkes guarding the explosives. He was put on the gallows, but he jumped and broke his neck. Every year, effigies of Guy Fawkes are burned on bonfires on the 5 November. But hardly anybody today knows what the real story is. The 5 November has been turned into a night of fireworks and entertainment. The history of those times has been warped to conceal the misdeeds of those who plan to destroy Protestantism. Before we do a quick summary, I need to make something very clear. Notice these next three slides. Satan works where we least expect to find him in the churches. As we expose his cunning ways, we will discover anti biblical teachings and a counterfeit system of worship designed to deceive the people. We are to expose these errors, but within these false systems of worship are godly people who will be found in God's paradise. We will expose the errors, but not condemn the people who are unwittingly caught up in it. I can't be clearer than that. You see, it's a specific religious and political power that has brought into Christianity the non biblical teachings and liturgy that is to be exposed. And we find the evidence of these errors written on the pages of history. And so I'm going to summarise. The popes claim to be God on earth. No created being can take the place of the creator God. Priests claim to have power to forgive sins. That is blasphemy. According to scripture, only God can forgive sins. Catholic leaders change God's ten commandments, and no one has the right to do that. Number four, catholic leaders change God's 7th day Sabbath into the pagan's first day for worship, and no one has the right to do that. And so we summarise. The attempted murder of Queen Elizabeth I, a Protestant, was planned by catholic leaders. Secondly, the Spanish Amada attack on England, a protestant nation, was planned by catholic leaders. Thirdly, Guy Fawkes and his plan to blow up Westminster and kill King James I, a Protestant, was planned by catholic leaders. As I said before, I'm not talking about the godly people who worship in these Sunday keeping churches. I'm talking about the plots and strategies of their church leaders. Plots, strategies and actions bear no resemblance to the teachings and actions of the lovely Lord Jesus Christ. All of these were deliberate attacks planned behind the scenes by the catholic leaders intent on destroying Protestantism and having a one world religion, ultimately. And so today, the roman catholic leaders are using the ecumenical movement to achieve the same goal. But it will destroy the true faith of millions of Christians. That is because the ecumenical movement combines paganism, Christianity and spiritualism into a one world religion. But all prophesied back in the 18 hundreds. Here's a comment from the spirit of prophecy. The line of distinction between professed Christians and the ungodly is now hardly distinguishable. Church members love what the world loves and are ready to join with them. And Satan determines to unite them in one body and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of spiritualism. Papas who boast of miracles is a certain sign of the true church will be readily deceived by this wonder working power. And Protestants, having cast away the shield of truth, will also be deluded. Papists, Protestants and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power. And they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world and the ushering in of the long expected millennium. A quote from great controversy, 1888 edition, page five, eight, eight. But the ecumenical people do it in a charming way, and as a result, they disarm any thoughts of a secret agenda. By the way, any church that teaches that when you die, you go straight to heaven is teaching what the spiritualists teach. And that is not what God teaches. It only happens when Christ returns the second time. For that is the whole purpose of him coming back. Because the ecumenical movement is already destroying God's christian teachings by combining paganism, spiritualism and Sunday, keeping protestant teachings the 7th day Sabbath, Protestant Reformation has to continue, for God has overruled in the past, and he will overrule now and again in the future. In view of the fact that we all worship the same God, why would the roman catholic leaders want to destroy Protestantism? Well, genuine Protestants who know their bibles have for centuries identified the errors of the Roman Catholic Church. Naturally, Rome does not like that. But Jesus does not like what Rome and the other peddlers of error are doing either. We know that from the reading of Mark seven, verse seven, which says, they worship me in vain. Their teachings are but rules taught by men. In Colossians two, verse eight, beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit. After the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Many of the roman catholic teachings are based on tradition and not on the Bible or the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, they are in a vulnerable position when challenged to defend their faith from the scriptures alone. This is what Jesus was warning us against in Colossians two, verse eight. As we noted when we read the text, so let us remind ourselves of how we get true faith. Romans ten, verse 17. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God, not by the traditions of men or the traditions of the church. When we ask ourselves the question, what's more important? Jesus said that truth was more important. The Roman Catholic Church says, no tradition is more important. Hence the battle. Sometime after the death of Elizabeth I, God starts to give his Bible, believing people, physical signs in nature. This was to tell the people that something big is approaching on the prophetic clock and revelation 612 to 14. I looked when he broke the 6th seal and there was a great earthquake. And the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood. Let us look at each of these three signs. The earthquake, the sun being darkened and the moon becoming a vivid red. The first of these was the Lisbon earthquake in 1755. It extended to the greater part of Europe, Africa and America. This is significant to me because I come from a country that has lots of earthquakes. But I've never known an earthquake in New Zealand be felt in Africa or America. This one in Lisbon was felt in Europe, Africa and America. It was big. 60,000 people lost their lives in that earthquake. The dark day of May 19, 1780, was the second sign. And in the book our first 100 years by R. M. Devons, on page 89 is recorded that the fowls went to their roosts. Ghouls were dismissed, and yet it was only 11:00 in the morning. I have this book in my library and can vouch for the accuracy of that statement. And I might add, it wasn't caused by an eclipse. We have had many eclipses since then, and they have not closed schools or had the chucks go to their nests. When these eclipses occurred, they were the signs that God promised that he would send. The third sign was that the moon had the appearance of blood. And that happened on May 19, 1780. These signs were pretentious and signified that something great was about to happen. What would it be? Well, it was to be the end of a fabulous time prophecy spanning 1260 years. It started with the bishop of Rome receiving political power in 538 AD from the last of the pagan roman emperors called Justinian. We touched on this earlier in another presentation. It ended when the Roman Catholic Church lost its political power in 1798 at the hands of a pagan emperor called Napoleon, exactly 1260 years after the prophecy was started. And you find it in Daniel 725 and 20 and 26. This fulfilment of a major prophecy electrified the christian world at that time, 1798. This is what those God given physical signs in nature were alerting them to. And the earthquake in 1755, and in 1780, the sun being darkened and the moon turning a vivid red. So what happened to the Roman Catholic Church in 1798? Well, the pope was taken prisoner. No big deal. They simply appointed another one. But the papal states were confiscated and the papacy lost its political power. That was significant because that's what she got 1260 years early at the hands of Justinian. Only an allknowing God could have prophesied that so accurately through his prophets and so long ago. This led to great excitement amongst the protestant churches. And after the initial thrill and excitement of seeing the 1260 year time prophecy fulfilled right on time, two things happened. Christians wanted to get the Bibles out into the hands of everyone in the world. So they formed the british and foreign Bible society in 1804. Then in 1816, the american Bible society was established. But there was something else that really excited the christians of those days, and that was the idea that Christ must be about to return. But the Christians also in the early 18 hundreds, wanted to know the answer to an intriguing question. They had just seen a magnificent fulfilment of prophecy. And so they asked themselves, are there any more prophecies in the Bible that go beyond 1798. And sure enough, there was, they discovered the longest time prophecy of them all, the 2300 year time prophecy. But they struggled to understand its meaning. But then we know that that prophecy could not be understood until after 1798. Why did they wait that long to discover the answers? It's because of what the angel told Daniel way back in the period 600 bc. Remember Daniel twelve, verse four. But thou, o Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased. Now, the time of the end began in 1798. Once this date was reached, then the book of Daniel could be opened and understood. And once the book was opened and able to be understood, then it became apparent that the Book of Daniel was the key that would enable God's people to understand the New Testament book called the Book of Revelation. These two books of the Bible are like a glove and a hand. They complement each other. And by the way, the time of the end is not the same as the end of time. Now, there were some key identifying Bible clues to confirm that the time of the end began in 1798, and we'll have a look at them now. The first clue was that many shall run to and fro. Horse and cart, which was the mode of travel for thousands of years, had almost faded off the scene. When I was born in 1940, there was still an occasional horse and cart that came to town. But consider the advances in travel technology since 1798 to now we've got steam trains, cars, jet planes, rockets, spacecraft, to name a few. But the second identifying clue was knowledge shall be increased. We've had the discoveries of penicillin, computers, radios, telephones, tv, and harnessing the atom, to name a few. Increases in knowledge, all happening after 1798. But there was also the huge increase in knowledge in the field of medical treatments such as cat scan machines and x ray machines. But there was also a huge explosion in the reading and understanding of the holy Bible. These signs from God were telling those who were alert to God's teaching that another spectacular fulfilment of prophecy was not far away. Great things were about to happen after 1798, and in 1831, William Miller, a baptist farmer, begins to preach. He had discovered, along with others, the longest time prophecy in the Holy Bible, the 2300 year time prophecy ending in October 1844. He thought, as did others, that Christ was coming back the second time on that date. But his studies and expectations were to lead to a great disappointment. But out of that great disappointment, God would produce the remnant church to take his final message to the world before Jesus Christ comes back. And that church is the 7th Adventist church. Although the Adventist Christians of that time were extremely disappointed, God had it all under control, for the book of revelation tells us that there would be a big disappointment, as it says here, revelation ten, verse nine. And I went unto the angel and said unto him, give me the little book. And he said unto me, take it and eat it up and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it up. And it was in my mouth sweet as honey. And as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. Thinking that Jesus was coming back on the 22 October 1844 was indeed sweet as honey to them. And when he did not arrive, it was indeed a bitter pill to swallow. But the bitter disappointment to men was not a surprise to God. For he said in our next Bible verse, in verse eleven, and he said unto me, thou must prophesy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings. So God knew what was happening and he told them what they were to do. They were to prophesy again. But what were they to prophesy about? Namely, that the 22 October 1844 marked the start of the day of judgement. William Miller and the Adventists of his day were 100% correct on the date the 22 October 1844, but they were 100% wrong as to the event to take place on that date. Hence the great disappointment of 1844. And the scriptures even tell us one Peter 417, for the time has come that judgement must begin at the house of God. And if it first begin at us, what shall the end of them be that obey not the gospel of God? The time referred to in this Bible reading was the beginning of the day of Judgement. And that always occurred on earth at the house of God, as this text stated. And it happened on the day of atonement. This is when the priest went into the second apartment of the earthly sanctuary to conduct a ceremony called the cleansing of the sanctuary. So God is now judging the cases of the dead christians. No one knows when he will begin to judge the living christians. This judgement cheques to see if we have the righteousness of Christ. For our own righteousness is not good enough, and it determines our rewards for what we have done for God here on earth. The Bible tells us in Daniel 713 the destination that Christ was going to travel to. And it wasn't to planet earth. That's where the disappointment lay. Instead, the Bible taught that Christ was to move from the first department of the heavenly sanctuary to the second department of the heavenly sanctuary. And I guess the heavenly sanctuary is miles in length. The reason that that journey would have taken place is because the judgement work is done in the second department of the heavenly sanctuary. You may ask, why there? Because that is where the record of mankind's sins are recorded. And it is where the law of God is being situated under God's mercy seat in the second apartment, not the first. It's also where the faithful christians will have a fabulous and loving advocate called Jesus Christ to defend them when their sins come up for review. You see, God kicked the devil out of heaven, and it is the devil who will say to God, you kicked me out. So why let these sinners in? Then? Jesus can say, I died for all mankind. And Joe Bloggs repented of his sins and forsook them using my power combined with his will. And therefore he is one of mine. And God the Father says, let him in. Never forget that Satan was offered the same opportunity that we are being offered today, the opportunity to repent of our sins and join the family of God on God's terms. And so those who do that can look forward confidently to their eternal reward. For as this Bible text says, acts 319, repent and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out. As I said earlier, the judgement work is done in the second apartment. Therefore, Jesus, having ministered in the first apartment from 31 AD to 1844, needed to go from that first apartment to the second apartment on the 22 October 1844 at the end of the 2300 year time prophecy. Our next slides confirm that he would do this as we find in Daniel seven, verse nine, I beheld until the thrones were cast down. And the ancient of days. That's a reference to God the Father did sit. Verse 13 I saw in the night visions, and behold one like the son of man. That's a reference to Jesus came with the clouds of heaven and came to the ancient of days, which is God the Father. Remember I mentioned sanctuary is many miles in length. So Jesus did travel on that day, but not to planet earth, as the adventists of William Miller's time were expecting. Instead, Jesus travelled from the first apartment to the second apartment of the heavenly sanctuary to begin his new judgement Day ministry. This explained the great disappointment of the Christians who were expecting Christ to come back to planet earth on that day. And it is logical that they would be excited when you consider that at the second coming of Christ he brings his rewards with him as our next slide reveals, behold, I am coming quickly and my reward is with me to render to every man according to what he has done. And so that is revelation 22, verse twelve. So obviously then, there must be a judgement day first. And the Bible says a lot about the judgement day. As we shall see, God taught about the judgement Day ministry in the ceremonial laws that he had given to the Israelites at the time of Moses. And in that law, the Jews were told to commemorate once a year the day of judgement, also known as the day of atonement and also known as the day of Yom Kippur. And that ministry was the beginning of the judgement phase of the salvation process. But there is a Bible text which seems to negate what I have just said. Higher critics and objectives refer to it. And it is this one, mark 1619. So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. So here we have recorded in the Bible that when Jesus ascended to heaven, he sat down at the right hand of the Father in 31 AD. The obvious question then is this one, where was the Father? And the answer is in the second apartment of the heavenly sanctuary. But critics of the 7th day Adventist Church raised two objections. What was the first objection? How can we say that Jesus went into the throne room of the Father in 1844 in the second apartment, when he had already been there with the Father since 31 AD? Now that is a good and valid objection. But the answer is equally valid and also simple to understand when we look at the inauguration ceremony after the building of the earthly tabernacle, it had been modelled on the original temple on heaven, as per instructions that God gave to Moses. I want you to notice what happened in the inauguration ceremony. Exodus 30, verse 26, you shall anoint the tabernacle of meeting and the ark of the testimony. Now, I've already mentioned that the high priest only went into the second apartment once a year on the day of judgement. But here is an isolated one off occasion where he went into the second apartment, and that was for the inauguration ceremony on earth. And for Moses to anoint the ark of the testimony, he would have had to go into the second apartment to anoint that ark, as Exodus 30, verse 26 states. But here's where the problem lies. It is an assumption to think that Moses stayed there. Notice the bottom part of this slide. Exodus 40, verse 21. Moses brought the ark into the tabernacle, hung up the veil of the covering and petitioned off the ark of the testimony as the Lord had commanded him. And this created the two apartments that matched the two in heaven. So Moses, acting on behalf of God, would also need to anoint Aaron, the first high priest before the earthly priestly ministry could begin. We do that today with our pastors. We conduct a special anointing or inauguration ceremony to formalise their ministry. What then is the solution to this valid? First objection. The solution Moses didn't stay in the second apartment after anointing the furniture and anointing Aaron to be the high priest on earth. But more importantly to the question we're answering today is this, neither did Jesus stay in the second apartment with the Father in the heavenly sanctuary after he was anointed in 31 AD to serve as our high priest in that sanctuary. Jesus came out and began his priestly ministry between 31 AD to 1844 in the first department of the heavenly sanctuary. This is a critical point, the fact that neither Moses nor Jesus stayed in the second departments of the respective sanctuaries after their inauguration ceremonies. This answers the first objection. The problem is of the objector's own making, for they did not understand the inauguration ceremony that established the respective high priestly officers. Firstly, the one on earth with Moses and Aaron, and secondly, the one in heaven with God the Father and Jesus Christ. As a result, they could see that Jesus sat down on a heavenly throne beside the heavenly Father in 31 AD, but they left him there. Now notice something important. After each inauguration ceremony, God did something special. Notice it here. Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle exodus 40, verse 34 and so God's presence filled his new palace. In the Old Testament Book of Exodus, it is recorded that God poured out the Shakina glory, showing God's pleasure at the inauguration ceremony on earth. And this was heaven's signal of approval, indicating that the priestly ministry on earth could begin around 1500 BC. And likewise, God did the same after the ten day inauguration ceremony of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary in 31 AD. The outpouring of Pentecost was heaven's signal, indicating that the heavenly priest, Jesus Christ, had begun his ministry in the heavenly sanctuary and that the old levitical priesthood of the Jews on earth was now finished forever. And Pentecost was also God's signal that the world's population now had an inaugurated and anointed high priest in the heavenly sanctuary, that you and I can pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore, we do not need to pray or confess our sins to an earthly priest anymore. This explains the objection that people have today to the idea that Jesus was already in the second apartment in 31 AD, and therefore, how could he go back in there in 1844 if he was already there? They just didn't know about the inauguration ceremony. He came out from the throne room in the second apartment of the heavenly sanctuary and began to perform his ministry in the first apartment from 31 AD to 1844. Thanks. You've answered my first question, but I have a second objection. And what is your second objection, sir? You have the Father in the second department for 1800 years, and you have Christ in the first department for the same period of time. Do you mean that they never met or talked in all that period of time because of the veil or wall that separated them for those 1800 years? That's another very good question. Here is the answer to the second objection. And this will answer the assumption that theologians make that God the Father and God the Son were separated for all that length of time. It is true that the priest in the earthly sanctuary was separated from God, but that was because the earthly priest was a sinner and had to be separated from God by the veil, or the priest would have died instantly. But Jesus was not a sinner and therefore did not need to be separated from God the Father. As we shall see when we look into the spirit of prophecy. Illumination of the scriptures, early writings, page 55. I saw the Father rise from the throne and in a flaming chariot go into the holy of holies within the veil and sit down. So we've just read that the heavenly Father, God, has moved in a flaming chariot from the first apartment to the second apartment, and that happened in 1844. Now notice what happens next. Then a cloudy chariot with wheels like flaming fire, surrounded by angels, came to where Jesus was. He stepped into the chariot and was born to the holiest, where the Father sat. So now the father and the Son are together again, but this time in the second apartment, so that they could begin the judgement work from the 22 October 1844 onwards. Thank you. My second objection is now answered also. And so our next slide says the judge says the two objections are overruled. And so the spirit of prophecy, torch of illumination, throws further light on this question of the judgement scene. Great controversy, page four, seven, nine. Commenting on Daniel seven, verse ten, thus was presented to the prophet's vision. The great and solemn day when the characters and the lives of men should pass in review before the judge of all the earth, and to every man should be rendered according to his works. The ancient of days is God the Father and holy angels as ministers and witnesses in number 10,000 times 10,000 and thousands and thousands attend this great tribunal. So we are saved by grace from the penalty, the power and the presence of sin, but we are rewarded for our works done on behalf of God. This judgement scene was also referred to by Jesus in the parable of the wedding garment. Did those claiming to be the followers of Christ have on the wedding garment of Christ that he had provided so freely? And which is his perfect character? We probably all know that for justification or for being saved from the penalty of sin, which is the work of a moment, we come just as we are, but repentantly. Christ then forgives us and credits to our account in heaven what we desperately need. And that is the innocent blood of Christ and his imputed perfect righteousness for the next aspect of salvation, which is the work of a lifetime and is called sanctification. And being saved from the power of sin. We need the innocent blood of Christ again, but this time we need his imparted righteousness, and he promises to do that throughout our lifetime, so long as we cooperate. This, then is the wedding robe which the saints are to wear and which becomes our righteousness. You see, the terms of the covenant with God was that we would allow God to write his law on our minds and hearts so that we could meet our side of the covenant. And our covenant promise was to love and obey him. And we'll see this covenant shortly. So once the Adventists understood about Jesus beginning the judgement phase of salvation, it explained their great disappointment. Then they entered into prophesying again with enthusiasm. For now they had a new message. The judgement day has arrived. Now the times in which we live are urgent. But where did they find the time prophecy that talked about the cleansing of the sanctuary? Or to put it in modern language, the time of the judgement. They found it in the 2300 year prophecy in Daniel 814. We have previously looked at the first five pillars of fulfilment, but remember, that only covered the first 490 years. Now we can see the significance of the remaining 1810 years. So here's a quick summary of the first five pillars of fulfilment. Remember, we had Cyrus decree, Azada, Xerxes and Darius. That 457 marked the start day of this prophecy. They were to rebuild the city of Jerusalem and the wall. That happened 49 years later, exactly as prophesied. Then we had the arrival of the Messiah, 27 AD, exactly as prophesied. 31 AD, the sacrifice of Christ on the cross at Calvary, exactly as prophesied. And finally, God having to use spiritual Israel to be his messengers. Because at the end of 34 AD he could no longer use the nation of Israel because they had rejected him. But this still left 1810 years left, which we never looked at in the previous presentations. The next chart shows the complete 2300 year time period. And my logic says if the first five mathematical pillars arrived exactly on time, then the last mathematical pillar ending in 1844 would logically have an exact fulfilment as well. That fulfilment was the beginning of the day of judgement, making up the perfect completion of the 2300 years for the sanctuary to begin to be cleansed. The Bible speaks plainly about there being a day of judgement. It is appointed for men to die once, but after this, the judgement, and that is Hebrews nine, verse 27. So the judgement day began on the 22 October 1844. The judgement at the moment concerns the christian dead. Did they show the fruits of being a Christian or were they shams? This judgement is not for God's benefit. He already knows the answer. Our next slide proves that within the gospel there was always going to be a judgement day. Which makes me quite concerned that well meaning pastors and priests seem to always assign the dead straight to heaven, thus bypassing the judgement day. How can they do that? I went to a minister after the wake and I said to him, sir, you have assigned the dead straight to heaven. What does one have to do to qualify to go to hell? He never answered that question. One Peter 417 says, for the time has come for judgement to begin at the house of God. This explains why the 7th day adventist church feels it has a divine mandate to preach a special message for a special time in earth's history. And the world would be wise to wake up and take notice. But the question for us today is this, when will the judgement start on the living christians? No one knows when it will get to our cases, but only a fool would presume on the mercy of God by not seeking to bring their lives into harmony with God's revealed will, especially as we are living in such important times for us individually. Daniel seven, verse ten. The court was seated and the books were opened. For God will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing, whether good or evil. Christians who repent of their sins have nothing to worry about, for the word pardon is placed beside those sins. The blood of Jesus Christ does that for them. But they still need to reflect the character of Christ, as depicted in the parable of the wedding garment. And we must remain faithful to our God given task and let the world know of the judgement now being in session when God gives us the right opportunity to do so. Literal Israel's leaders were to teach the then known world about this subject of a judgement day. But they let God down. And the modern day christian church leaders are likewise letting God down, as you will see shortly. But in these last days, spiritual Israel, alias the remnant church of revelation twelve, is teaching people to keep God's law as it will be that law that God uses to judge his people by. Now remember, this is a battle between God and a created being called Lucifer, who we know as Satan. And because God's law is hated by God's enemy, Satan, our church, the 7th day adventist church, frustrates the plans of Satan by drawing people's attention to this holy law and to the judgement day for all of God's people. Satan is not worried about the churches that assign the dead straight to heaven, thus bypassing the day of judgement because he has already deceived them. But we do know that Satan is angry at our particular church when we look at the next two slides. Revelation 1217 and the dragon, which was a symbol of Satan, was wroth with a woman which was a symbol of the church and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ to break the symbolism down. A woman in Bible symbolism equals a church. See revelation twelve, verses one and two. The dragon is a symbol for Satan. See revelation twelve, verse nine. Satan is angry with a remnant and a remnant is the last part of the original number four. They are identified because they keep all ten commandments of God and they have the testimony of Jesus, which is the fifth point, the 6th point. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. See revelation, 1910. Four churches exist that I know of that keep all ten Commandments. But only one church does that and has the true spirit of prophecy. It is the 7th day adventist church on earth that is referred to here. This is because our church is still upholding the ten Commandments as the definer of sin, the standard to be used in the judgement and a revealer of God's glorious character, the character of love, mercy and justice. For that is what is behind the ten Commandments. Love. Remember from the big picture, part one. Satan said no one could keep God's law and therefore he hoped that the character of God would be obliterated from planet earth. But the remnant church, which is the 7th day adventist church, is teaching people to come to Jesus as you are, but contritely and receive a pardon for our sins. Sunday keeping christian leaders teach this also. But here comes the point of separation between the Sunday keeping christians and the 7th day Adventist Church. That makes the devil angry. Jesus said, if you love me, keep my commandments. Jesus loved us even when we did not love him. He died for our sins that we would not have to die the second death. We cannot avoid the first death which come upon all mankind because of Adam's sin, but we can avoid the second death by making wise decisions about our eternal future. When you ask yourself, why did Christ have to die? It is because sin is the transgression of the Ten Commandment law of God, and as a result, eternal death is the consequence of living with unconfessed sins. As this slide says. One John three, verse four, whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law, for sin is the transgression of the law. So if the innocent Christ has paid the penalty for our sins, does that give us licence to go on breaking the law? No, it does not. It doesn't give us licence to do that. And remember, sin is an act of choice, not an act of birth. If a traffic officer gives us a ticket for a traffic offence, but the judge lets us off, does that mean we can carry on doing the same faulty driving? No. Then why do christian leaders teach a Christian to think that they can accept the great sacrifice of Jesus, yet carry on sinning without making an effort in the strength of the Holy Spirit's power to be overcomers? As revelation, chapter two and chapter three asks for speaking about that chapter, those two chapters are well worth reading, because there are fabulous rewards for the overcomers. And as this one here says, revelation three, verse five, he that overcomes the same shall be clothed in white raiment. That's the righteousness of Christ. And I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my father and before his angels, so our names can be blotted out. If we make no attempt to be overcomers from the power of sin, yet we can still have assurance of salvation from the penalty of sin, for the price has already been paid. And what a marvellous promise God has given to his people. This is the promise to the overcomers. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit says unto the churches. To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. I want to be saved from the three things the Bible tells me I need saving from the penalty of sin, the power of sin and the presence of sin. When the Bible talks about being an overcomer. It is talking only about the second aspect of salvation, getting victory over the power of sin in our daily lives. It's a work of a lifetime. It's not talking about the penalty of sin, for only the blood of Christ pays for that penalty. Thus we can still have the assurance of salvation while seeking to have on the wedding garment of Christ that enables us to be overcomers from the power of sin. Satan is right if we try and keep God's commandments in our own strength. But the Bible teaches in hebrews eight, verse ten that God is going to write his law on the hearts of his dear people. And doing that, God exposes the conditional nature of salvation. For as Hebrews eight, verse ten says, for this is the covenant that I will make, says the Lord. I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts, and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people. The very law that Satan said to God in heaven was not needed by angels and could not be kept by mankind is proven to be false. No wonder Satan is in trouble when God's people love God so much that they want to keep his commandments. So what would Satan do next? Revelation 13 three tells us what would happen next and it was quite a major event. Revelation 13 three and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and the deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast. We learned earlier today that the Roman Catholic Church suffered a deadly wound when it lost its political power in 1798. This verse tells us that she gets back her political power. How did this happen? Our next presentation will answer this question. You've been listening to spiritual treasure chest with Bill Gates, brought to you by 3ABN Australia radio. For more resources like this, visit the YouTube page Bill Gates spiritual treasure chest.

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